Monday, November 17, 2008

What, my timers up?

Console, email, and timer. These are the new functions we need to add to our project. Sounds hard, but its actually not that bad. The console and email are the two functions to control how the output are given to the user. The timer sets the program on a repeat depending on the time period the user gives.

As a group, I was in charge of the email and documentation and Anthony focused on the timer and parser. As I started work on JavaMail, I realized that it was harder for me to set it up then for me to use it. The documentation and example made it easy for me to start sending out spam to myself. With the class created, I started working on the documentations and guide.
AS we reached the home stretch, I looked into tasktimer to help get a simple sample into our code. The only thing left is to add to the parsing and to call or use the code I made.

In the end, it seems like we ran out of time. We still did not learn our lesson and it has finally caught up to us. We will continue to work on the project till the last minute, but the mood seems dire.

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