Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Review on StackOverFlow

This week I took a look at this programming website (http://stackoverflow.com/) and I tried to see what is the purpose of this website and how it can benefit me. As I continue to learn about all the available resources and tools in programming, I need to evaluate and note down those that are helpful for me currently and those that can help me in the future. StackOverFlow is a simple website that follows the same concept as (www.digg.com) and (www.reddit.com) where users can post information and others can rate it up or down and post comments. StackOverFlow takes this and message board concept to provide users with access to many other helpful programmers.

The interface is pretty straight forward. Questions are listed by the date it was posted and there are counts on views and replies. The questions can also be categorized by subject which is helpful when looking for questions and answers that you may have. Reputation is also a nice feature to allow people to see who are knowledgeable in each subject. I particularly love the user profile because it gives a history of all the questions and answers a person has given.

StackOverFlow seems to be a very useful tool for those that are stuck and need a push. A good reputation on this website can also help improve ones professional persona. I would recommend it to friends to browser through when there are down times to learn more. I would use it to help broaden my knowledge and to find answers to specific questions.

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