Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ant, PMD, FindBugs, and Checkstyle

With the introduction of Ant, PMD, Findbugs, and Checkstyle, we are given the task to test these new tools and to observer the different types of errors we can get. The stack code comes with a few errors to show us how errors are displayed and resolved.

There has always been a sense of fear when I think about programming and it becomes more apparent when I'm faced with more complex issues. I always attribute my poor work habits towards my procrastination and this fear. It is very demoralizing for me when I hit a brick wall and I'm resorted to asking for help. I am starting to feel more comfortable with programming now because the only what I can remove this fear is to work on programming more.
This exercise took me around four hours complete in a spread of two days. There were a few issues with ant not seeing my environment variables, but I was able to resolve it by deleting and re-adding the variables. The corrections in stack was fairly easy, except for the pmd error. I had to google more into Set interface because the example given was unclear for me. I had to walk away from the computer a few times to reset my brain, but in the end I was able to complete all three tasks.
Corrected Stack

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